You’re Invited!

You are all invited to the
Homecoming Dance in
We Believe that our
Lord Jesus Christ will be returning with His Saints on the Feast of Trumpets Rosh Hashanah the Great Harvest 2027 , the Second Coming of The Almighty Jesus Christ Our Salvation because of the signing of the peace agreement that starts Daniel’s 70th week which could happen on the Feast of Tabernacles Sukkot 2020 WOW!
The 3 Pilgrimage Festivals :
Israelites from the kingdom of Judah would go on pilgrimage to Jerusalem.
Passover was the time of Jesus’ Crucifixion.
Pentecost was the time of the Ruah of the Mighty Holy Spirit.
The Feast of Tabernacles represents the Lord Jesus , Him with us.. Us with Him ;
Son of man came to be in the tent which was the human body to make the Great Exchange , of Propitiation , Lord Jesus Christ took our place on the cross so that we can be Redeemed to the Father and now we are the building blocks in
His Temple the Temple of God